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I know this is my first update for the year 2008. But I would only be able to pen down the important things/events that took or even taken place. Here is the list!

a) Still very busy with my MBA thesis!

b) Would be moving into new home on the 19th!

c) Haven’t started packing. Instead, I am ‘PANICKING’ as clock is ticking!

d) Bought a set of dining table via Craigslist. We got it at a great deal, wohoo!

e) MBA @^&%#!&*

f) Mummy, Masi and Karam’s birthday on the same day! January 9th!

I would only be absolutely free to post after the 1st week of Feb. I need to catch up a lot on many things now.

Over and out!


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Happy New Year everyone. May all your dreams come true with flying colors this year. God Bless !


Photo source.

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Wishing every one a wonderful, joyous and Merry Christmas !


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We were out for an outing during the full moon day. The sky was brightly lit by the luminous light from the moon. It was magical.


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We are both very excited for 2 important reasons:

1) Tarun’s parents (my in-laws) are visiting from India for a few months. We are so excited and can’t help giggling all the time! For us, it is important to be surrounded and blessed by loved ones (family) all the time, especially since we are so far away from everyone. This is the time to catch up, share laughter, tears, more laughter, seek blessings and advice that keeps both of us grounded in life. I don’t know for others, but for us, with the blessings of our parents and families, life seems blissful and worth living 🙂 A pillar of support and guidance from elders should play a very important role in our life?s.

2) Our new home is almost ready to move into. What a great timing! Ma and papa are also very excited. It would be a first moving experience in US for them, as well as for me.

Tarun is a seasoned mover. He has moved to many locations in US since arriving here more than 2 years ago. “Oh no! Packing again?” I can’t stomach the idea of the packing-moving-unpacking process. “Honey, please provide your expertise in this matter?”.


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