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Quick update 2008

I know this is my first update for the year 2008. But I would only be able to pen down the important things/events that took or even taken place. Here is the list!

a) Still very busy with my MBA thesis!

b) Would be moving into new home on the 19th!

c) Haven’t started packing. Instead, I am ‘PANICKING’ as clock is ticking!

d) Bought a set of dining table via Craigslist. We got it at a great deal, wohoo!

e) MBA @^&%#!&*

f) Mummy, Masi and Karam’s birthday on the same day! January 9th!

I would only be absolutely free to post after the 1st week of Feb. I need to catch up a lot on many things now.

Over and out!
