Tags long over due! Sulz assigned me with letter “K”, meanwhile Vishesh added his share by assigning me with letter “S”. Who am I to complain, right?
Rules that are meant to be broken as follows:
You leave a comment on this post, and I’ll assign you a letter. You write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on.
Note: You can leave a comment and not be assigned a letter if you want. Just let me know if you want a letter to keep this going.
Ten things I love that begins with the letter “K”
1. Knowledge : Behold! I can’t survive without knowledge. Reading is my hobby. This is also true that I am barely surviving in my MBA right now
2. Karma : Warning! Don’t turn your back on this one. Running away from Karma is impossible. Try it.
3. Kismet : Destiny, faith; who am I to argue? I love my faith, I am destined to be with the ones I love. Thank you GOD
4. Kindred and Kin : Sharing the same belief, attitude and thought. Family that is..Hmm, I just love the word.
5. Keepsakes : Memories preserved over time. I love scrap booking.
6. Kiwi : I just love the vibrant color of a Kiwi’s flesh
7. Kiddo : Now, who doesn’t love kids?
8. Ketchup : on fries, burgers, aloo tikki, chicken fingers; anything and everything fried!
9. Karaoke : Soothes my soul. Therapeutic for me
10. Karate : or a kick, either way I am happy to deliver it! Hey, it rhymes!
Ten things I love that begins with the letter “S”
1. Sunshine and Sunset : I love nature’s beauty. It is free, after all.
2. Smile : You are on C h a t t e r SMILE B o x. Good jaw exercise, try it!
3. Sunflower : One of my favorite flowers. Planning to grow them during summer’s in 2009.
4. Saffron : is the priciest spice. I love it, in moderate measurements for sure.
5. Sari : Ah, the symbol of sultry, poise and elegance
6. Spices : Bet we can’t live without it. Go and hide, some how it haunts us. That’s our spice!
7. Success : What’s not to love it?
8. Sweet : tooth that’s me. I am a gamer, anything and everything labeled “desserts”!
9. Strawberry : the other love of my life.
10. Sage : fragrant and subtle herb.
To continue with Sulz’s meme, here are the 4’s list of:
4 places I go over and over:
(1) Grocery mart
(2) Temple for prayer offerings
(3) Shopping mall
(4) My blog is my sanctuary
4 people who e-mail me regularly:
(1) My family, consisting more than 4 people
(2) University mates
(3) My childhood friends
(4) My Facebook and Blog buddies, thanks guys!
4 of my favorite places to eat:
(1) Sizzler’s Restaurant
(2) Olive Garden
(3) TGI Friday’s
(4) PF Chang’s
4 places you’d rather be NOW:
(1) Malaysia & India. We miss our family’s
(2) Out shopping with friends
(3) On a holiday, we both truly need a break!
(4) In bed for lack of sleep
4 TV shows I could watch over and over:
(1) Friends!
(2) Everybody loves Raymond
(3) Full House
(4) Mind Your Language
4 movies I could watch over and over:
(1) Happy Feet
(2) Hairspray
(3) Ice Age
(4) The Holiday
**Happy 2009 every one! Be safe and have fun!**