As part of continuing my “Living Abroad” series, I thought I would share some of the pros and cons of living abroad. I am sure many of our families and friends back home just wonders or assumes of an amazing life we both are having here in the States. Well, sometimes is great. Other times, not so much.
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.. is like a new chapter in your life. Learning to take baby steps all over again. Well, not really baby steps. But sometimes I truly wish it was easier. When we moved to the States a few years ago, Hubby was assigned as a Software Professional and I instantly immersed myself in completing my online MBA. I begin blogging as a way to keep in touch with my loved ones back in Malaysia and India. But here’s the thing. We are yet to share our experiences as expats over here in the States. The living abroad guide if you may.
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… make lemonade. Though its not officially summer.
There’s a whole lot of legal stuff going on here in the Casa d’ KiranTarun, but let me spare you these painful jargon details. Lets just say that “when the going gets tough, the tough needs to get going”. And we are about to make tough decisions in the coming months.
Don’t get me wrong since I can’t get into details. Rest assured, I do love my life, my husband and our marriage 🙂 Ok, take a deep breathe and read.
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