
Thumbnail image for Kashmiri Chicken

Kashmiri Chicken

April 15, 2016 Chicken

Staying away and afar from family is so tough. I am talking about thousands of miles apart, separated by a couple of continents. Not dramatic enough? Let’s see… How about when I say it takes me almost 30 hours of flights and transit to be back home? Ugh.

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Thumbnail image for Homemade Pumpkin Pasta w/ Brown Butter Sage Sauce

Homemade Pumpkin Pasta w/ Brown Butter Sage Sauce

January 22, 2013 Entree

Hey guys!! It’s been a while since the last post. The lack of updates were due to health problems. But it’s all under control now, so let’s indulge 🙂 There’s a lot about traveling that I’m yet to learn and grasp. Like, how not to loathe about the whole idea of packing — instead being […]

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Thumbnail image for Pistachio Pasta

Pistachio Pasta

September 18, 2012 Entree

Howdy! I just wanted to say “Thank You” for your encouragements on my previous rant about public speaking. It went….. how should I put it? Slightly well than what I was expecting. There were loads of shakiness, sweats and palpitations. Almost felt like a nervous breakdown. The whole event and experience definitely deserves a whole […]

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Thumbnail image for Roasted Summer Squash & Mushroom Spaghetti

Roasted Summer Squash & Mushroom Spaghetti

July 23, 2012 Pasta

Facebook has always been the best place to hangout and mingle with my families and friends. A glimpse into their day-to-day lives. It also can be devastating to read about the death of a friend. Something that I’ve never look forward to whenever I pay a visit into Facebook each day.

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Thumbnail image for Almond & Basil Pesto Chicken Spaghetti

Almond & Basil Pesto Chicken Spaghetti

May 22, 2012 Entree

Good morning 🙂 The coffee is hot, breakfast is ready and stomach is growling. Instead, I’d rather open up and discuss about my aversions towards sharp stinky cheeses. It seems impossible to wrap my head around the idea of loving aged cheeses.

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