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It’s common not to sight-see when living such close proximity of tourist destinations. This was the case with us as well. After living close to 3 years in Orlando, we had one of our best times whilst visiting Miami recently. Yes, the first time visit for us. Don’t judge πŸ˜‰

Unlike other downtown’s, I somehow enjoyed walking around and taking in the beauty of skyscrapers and architectural details Downtown Miami has to offer. In comparison with the concrete jungle (New York city), Downtown Miami is so much subtle but lively.

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After a wonderful night out to celebrate new year, we all woke up very bright and not-so early to enjoy our vacation. Let the fun begin πŸ™‚ A mini-shuttle ride was so refreshing. We sung, danced and clicked photos all day long. I miss everyone.

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I’ve been so busy lately that I forgot to mention the main reason for my trip back home recently.Β  My sister (J) was pregnant then πŸ˜€ Yes, she was expecting and now a mother of sweet and adorable baby boy!

Preggie J & I πŸ˜‰

As siblings, we are very close with each other. My sister makes an effort to visit my parents yearly. Β I on the other hand, expect them to visit Orlando as well. Unfortunately, I am located the furthest amongst my siblings. Remorseful πŸ™

Anyways, upon arriving few days in advance, I made some arrangements to gather close relatives for our New Year celebration and reunion at A’Famosa Malacca Resort. My sister, her big belly and dear husband (T) finally arrives in Malaysia!

A’Famosa Malacca Resort is about 2 hours away from home. We packed our luggage and begun the journey of enjoyment and relaxation. My sister booked two side-by-side bungalow’s for us and the family. We arrived and were unsatisfied with the condition of one of the bungalows. Apart from leaky air-conditioner at the living room, the backyard swimming pool was not in a pleasant condition. We were unable to move to another bungalow as there weren’t any vacancy. My sister and her belly were comfortable, so we did not fuss about it too long.

J and T bought so many decadent pastries and chocolates from Amsterdam. It amazes me how they went through Customs without any problem πŸ˜€ One whole suitcase was literally packed with cakes, cookies, chocolates, jams and pastries. Of course, we took no time and stuffed ourselves with sugary delights. Then darkness befallen on us πŸ˜€ It sounds very much like a story book right? We started getting ready to celebrate 2010!!! Yuhuuu! Let’s party! Aboard the bus ride, we rode to the fireworks venue. It was so crowded. But wasn’t enough to deter us from having fun. Hope your 2010 is rocking as per your resolution πŸ™‚

Part 3 coming up, stay tuned!


Click here to read my previous Travelogue’s.

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A very long overdue post about my recent travels to Malaysia, India and Amsterdam. But a must share of experiences that I encountered along the way.

First up, packing continued till the last minute. Left for the airport. Arrived at the check-in counter. Rummaged into handbag for my air-ticket. Go figure. Of course we left it at home! Nervous to the teeth!!! Hubby rushed home…Found the ticket, rushed to the air-port and low-behold, made it to the gate just minutes to spare πŸ˜€ Was sad that me and hubby had less time to spend before my flight. Orbitz issued me book tickets instead of an e-ticket. And yes, it’s unexplainable!

Nine hours to Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam for my connecting flight to Malaysia. It was uncomfortable. And not without a drama. The book-ticket continues to haunt. I arrived barely 1.5 hours before my connecting flight to find the transfer counters empty! Gosh! I needed a boarding pass, it can’t be so difficult right? While dragging my luggage, I ran all the way to the other end of the airport to gather more information for the next flight. And what do I get? A frumpy-grumpy attendant explaining the reason why she gave away my chosen seat on flight.

The grumpy conversation:

Flight attendant (FA): Hi, your ticket?

Me: (too groggy and lousy from the jet-lag).. hhmm, what? Oh yeah, here is my book ticket. Why isn’t there anyone tending at the transfer desks?

FA: I was there 2.5 hours ago! You are late and I have released your window seat! All window seats are taken!

Me: { Flabbergasted! There is still an hour to flight} Your tone is too rude missy. And for your information, this is my connecting flight. Even if I were to jump off the plane, I can promise you that my swimming skills wouldn’t help me arriving here 2.5 hours ago! I demand to speak to your manager. And can you please be so kind and hand me a complaint form or something? Your customer service skills are much appreciated πŸ˜€

FA: Gimme a minute!

Me: Take your time, I am too tired to argue now πŸ˜‰

Sigh. I went and took a seat awaiting to board the plane. A tap on the shoulder and the Manager on duty apologized instead of handing over a complaint form or explaining the atrocious behavior her staff displayed.Β  I was assigned a window seat finally. Any window seat is fine, not aisle! That amounts to jinxing my departure πŸ˜€

In summary, there is no harm in demanding. In a gentle gesture. Or so I thought!

Touchdown at KLIA Malaysia in the wee hours after 12.5 hours of flight. With horrid, battered and bruised face I was ready to hit the sack. Met parents at the arrival hall. Hugs and kisses. Arrived home and slept all the day. Mummy’s cooking lingered and I knew I am back into the arms of my loved ones πŸ™‚ Sadly, left a piece of my heart in Orlando.

To be continued… This was just the beginning of a wonderful vacation!

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There has been so much going on in our lives recently, thus the absence from blogosphere. A lot to write and share. But let’s first continue where I left.

Continuing from our trip to NASA recently, we proceeded to the Astronaut Hall of Fame. PSA warning yet again – this is a lengthy-photo-post. Don’t steal, ask for permission πŸ™‚


At the Astronaut Hall of Fame entrance


Alan B. Shepard

Alan B. Shepard Jr - first American in space

Alan B. Shepard Jr [the first American in space] statue graced the main entrance of this enterprise. It’s mesmerizing. Almost life-like.



The Gemini exhibit


NASA honors the first brave flyers who journeyed into space


Tarun is awaiting his turn for the GForce training stimulation


Tarun is in one of those capsules. Everything seems to look good, until...


aaahhhhh... the speed is mind-boggling!


The Gforce stimulator moves at a great speed and height!

The GForce stimulator is exhilarating! But be warned, it was a nauseous experience. Tarun was all swaying, left and right, with dizziness and slight headache. I was just a spectator, thank you πŸ™‚ Of course the exhibition had a lot to offer. Interesting artifacts, informations, photos, collectibles, and historical time-lines all preserved for enthusiasts, tourists and such. I took so many photos, my bandwidth is crying πŸ˜€


Mercury mission spacesuit!

Mercury mission spacesuit!

Space exploration is something that I have always been fond of. There is so much of information and facts to learn. Test your knowledge with this small trivia and win 1 free customized header designed by me πŸ˜‰

Q1: When does NASA start counting down to a shuttle launch?

Q2: How many holds (when the countdown is paused) are built-in to a nominal launch countdown?

Q3: Where is the countdown conducted from?

Q4: Which Earth-launched satellite was the first to leave our solar system?

Q5: Apollo astronauts trained for Moon landings using the LLTV. What does LLTV stand for?

Q6: When in orbit on the Space Shuttle, astronauts experience ______ gravity.

Q7: When some shuttle astronauts reach space, they feel ill. This is called______.

Q8: The three space shuttle main engines release energy equivalent to ______.

Q9: On average, how fast does the shuttle travel while in orbit?

Q10: The first man in space was?

The winner would receive 1 free customized header designed by me! Good luck and may the force be with the one who is the first to correctly answer all questions in the comment section below πŸ˜€

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