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Q & A

.. is like a new chapter in your life. Learning to take baby steps all over again. Well, not really baby steps. But sometimes I truly wish it was easier. When we moved to the States a few years ago, Hubby was assigned as a Software Professional and I instantly immersed myself in completing my online MBA. I begin blogging as a way to keep in touch with my loved ones back in Malaysia and India. But here’s the thing. We are yet to share our experiences as expats over here in the States. The living abroad guide if you may.

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There has been so much going on in our lives recently, thus the absence from blogosphere. A lot to write and share. But let’s first continue where I left.

Continuing from our trip to NASA recently, we proceeded to the Astronaut Hall of Fame. PSA warning yet again – this is a lengthy-photo-post. Don’t steal, ask for permission 🙂


At the Astronaut Hall of Fame entrance


Alan B. Shepard

Alan B. Shepard Jr - first American in space

Alan B. Shepard Jr [the first American in space] statue graced the main entrance of this enterprise. It’s mesmerizing. Almost life-like.



The Gemini exhibit


NASA honors the first brave flyers who journeyed into space


Tarun is awaiting his turn for the GForce training stimulation


Tarun is in one of those capsules. Everything seems to look good, until...


aaahhhhh... the speed is mind-boggling!


The Gforce stimulator moves at a great speed and height!

The GForce stimulator is exhilarating! But be warned, it was a nauseous experience. Tarun was all swaying, left and right, with dizziness and slight headache. I was just a spectator, thank you 🙂 Of course the exhibition had a lot to offer. Interesting artifacts, informations, photos, collectibles, and historical time-lines all preserved for enthusiasts, tourists and such. I took so many photos, my bandwidth is crying 😀


Mercury mission spacesuit!

Mercury mission spacesuit!

Space exploration is something that I have always been fond of. There is so much of information and facts to learn. Test your knowledge with this small trivia and win 1 free customized header designed by me 😉

Q1: When does NASA start counting down to a shuttle launch?

Q2: How many holds (when the countdown is paused) are built-in to a nominal launch countdown?

Q3: Where is the countdown conducted from?

Q4: Which Earth-launched satellite was the first to leave our solar system?

Q5: Apollo astronauts trained for Moon landings using the LLTV. What does LLTV stand for?

Q6: When in orbit on the Space Shuttle, astronauts experience ______ gravity.

Q7: When some shuttle astronauts reach space, they feel ill. This is called______.

Q8: The three space shuttle main engines release energy equivalent to ______.

Q9: On average, how fast does the shuttle travel while in orbit?

Q10: The first man in space was?

The winner would receive 1 free customized header designed by me! Good luck and may the force be with the one who is the first to correctly answer all questions in the comment section below 😀

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We are all feeling the effects of the market crash. Some people have lost a lot in the market in terms of 401K and some have lost their jobs as well. So now that we are all into it together, the most important question is – When is this going to end? And the answer can be found only if we knew exactly what we are into? Some say we are into Recession and some say we are into Depression. For a nation (USA) as a whole, we are certainly in Recession and slipping into Depression every single day. For individuals though, it is extremely personal. When you have lost your job, it actually is Depression. If you are cutting on your expenses, lost in 401K and stocks and worried about job, then it is Recession.

So personally we all know what is happening but as a nation we need to analyze. So now that we surely are into Recession as a nation, what is the benchmark for a Depression? A sustained Recession is classified as Depression. So now from the results and stats, we are into recession since last 6-9 months. If this continues for another 6-9months, we would be in depression. Looking at the financial state, we dont see a bottom right now for the market and economy. I think market is going to stabilize around 5000. My assumptions are based on P/E ratios for DJIA companies and I see that 5000 is still an inflated number. But some logical thinking says that markets reflect futures as well so we can say that 5000 seems reasonable.
Now away from the market, how do we know we are stabilizing our life styles, our expenses. we borrow from future in terms of auto loan, home loan and credit card loan. So now we have borrowed enough from future and we need to go into future with less expenses. So we would see for quite some time, people would cut spending and save some more because of the shaken finances. Result? – A very likely Depression.
The other problem that comes with Depression is that people cut back and dont spend long time after the problem is over. So it is not going to be easy for long long time.

So now that I think we are into Recession and going into Depression, what do we need to do? We need to make sure we prioritise our expenses on monthly basis and expenses on spendings that can be avoided. Make sure you know that 2 gallons of Silk Soyamilk costs 1$ less at Walmart. You know what costs how much and where. So now that we have a long time problem in our front, we need to be careful and judicious in what we are spending. And in the end we need to keep each other informed and entertained by cheaper means – BLOGGING:)

– Tarun

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Been occupied for many days now. I have a few more thesis to complete before the semester break. That’s a relief. We are also planning a trip to India early ’09. I can hardly contain myself. It’s my first trip ever! I am very excited! But I would need some suggestions:

Venue: New Delhi & surroundings

1. Places that I must visit & why?

2. Shopping venue for (home decor, personals etc)everything a girl loves?

3. Shopping must-haves (suggestions)?

4. What food must I try and suggestions on venue?

5. Do’s and Dont’s.

6. Tips, suggestions or advice?

Drop me a comment. I would love to know more about India and get an early head start on planning for the trip.

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Happy Independence Day to all Malaysians!

This year is a little special to me as it would be my first post on Malaysia Independence Day since the day I started blogging. So, let’s make it extra special shall we?

I fetched this idea from a web-friend of mine, Lemonade. But instead of answering all the questions with a personal relevance, I have answered with some “Malaysian” twist to it, in commemoration of Independence Day today.

The rules are simple. Here it goes:
1) Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr search.
2) Pick an image only from the 1st page (no cheating by flicking through dozens of pages) 😉
3) Copy and paste the respective URLs for all the images into Mosaic Maker.
4) Last but not least, don’t forget to have FUN! 🙂

My results:

Here are the Q & A’s:

1. What is your first name?
Kiran. Not looking as cute as the baby in the mosaic, that’s for sure.

2. What is your favorite food? Right now?
Roti Canai of course. Being a Malaysian, duh…

3. What high school did you go to?
Sekolah. Sri Garden was not even established back then. I had no choice, there were limited images on flickr with the key word “sekolah”.. Fun eh?

4. What is your favorite color?
All the colors on Malaysia Flag including BLACK. Let’s keep it neutral shall we? Remember, the old school days rule on hair ribbons? Blue, Black and White? Yikes!!! I am immune to it now.

5. Who is your celebrity crush?
Starbucks (celebrity factor) Frappucino (crush factor). No rules on the question being more specific on he or she or IT (industry), right? Do I have to explain further?

6. Favorite drink?
Teh Tarik for sure. It is in every Malaysian’s bloodline (dare I say it’s true?).

7. Dream vacation?
Pangkor Island, Malaysia. I’ve never vacationed there, or any where else in Malaysia! That’s exceptionally SAD!

8. Favorite dessert?
Ice Kacang & Cendol. If you are a Malaysian, you’ll know what I am talking about. Shall I dare recommend the best cendol stand in Malaysia? The stand is between Jalan Desa Aman 2 and Jalan Mutiara Timur intersection very close to Cheras Leisure Mall Shopping Centre.

9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A proud MOM of a son who does not “wrestle”, literally.

10. What do you love most in life?
My families

11. One Word to describe you.
Colorful. Do you agree?

12. Your Flickr name.
WeScribble… neatly, I hope.

Once you are done, don’t forget to credit the images from Flickr to the owners.

Flickr Credits:
1. Happy Birthday Kiran!, 2. Roti Canai at The Curve, Damansara, 3. Sekolah Sri Garden, 4. malaysia’s flag, 5. Starbucks Java Chip Frappucino, 6. Teh Tarik, 7. Sunset at Pangkor, 8. Ice Kacang & Cendol, 9. don’t mess with me/proud mother tote bag, 10. Family Portrait, 11. Colorful, 12. Lamy Safari Sample Scribbles


Image credit to: Flickr
TAG credit to: Lemonade

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