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From the monthly archives:

June 2017

After months of silence, what do you write when you have nothing to say? Days and activities have been pretty mundane. But I’ll have to get myself out of this “rut”. This writer’s block we are all too familiar with. This mentality of not having time doing what you love doing.

Got to start somewhere, right?
So let me tell you about my day. I am at work, pacing between my laptop, the coffee machine, conference calls and meetings for next week’s agenda.

At the back of my mind, I am planning dinner. Tarun will be back tonight from his work trip to Dallas. I told him about the broken AC. We just replaced the washer and dryer, and the AC finally gave up on us too. Our weekend is going to be pretty hectic fixing everything that’s not working.


On a much realistic fun note, the in laws are here. And their 50th marriage anniversary is looming away. Lots to plan and do, but I don’t know where the starting point will be.

So tell me, what happened today?

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