Hello and Happy Monday 🙂
By this time next week, we would be at Phoenix, Arizona. Leaving Orlando would be difficult, especially my lovely girlfriends but life sometimes demand so much from you, a change would definitely spruce things up.
I’m praying it made sense.
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So, it’s finally time to spill the beans… Nope, I am not pregrant. And neither I am prepared to be just because society expects me to be a mama.
I don’t think we owe any explanation to anyone. It’s none of anyone’s business.
There’s so much pressure from family members and the least we need now is the pressure from “society”. I’ve even gotten remarks like, “wait till they have a kid or two“.. What do you mean by that statement? Are you trying to imply that somehow your life is more miserable with kids, or are you just sheer jealous?

No one knows what we are going through, so just stop asking weird questions. Its gets too uncomfortable. I am so sick and tired of “baby” confrontations. Why is everyone so nosy in this department?
Ranting over 😀
Phew!!! On the other hand, things have been spinning out of control lately and I can’t decide whether I should pray for another pair of hands or an assistant. Times like this has us wishing for Aladdin’s lamp.
Or at least a magic carpet to escape it all!
Tell me of your woes. What’s ticking you off these days? I’m all ears. After all, it’s MournMonday for goodness sake!
And one more thing, we are moving. Aaaaahhh!!!!!!!!
*giveaway ended and the winner is Carolina @ Peas in a Blog*
Happy Wednesday!!
I have a sweet giveaway lined up for my fellow Floridians or anyone who is planning to visit Central Florida during Florida Film Festival 2012 (FFF2012), which is featuring a record-breaking 168 films representing 31 countries. Sweet, eh?
I attended the press event for Florida Film Festival last year and it was definitely so cool and exciting to meet so many bloggers and social media community organizers, talented film makers, local and renowned chefs — all bringing awesomeness to the Central Florida community.
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