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Love life, engage in it, give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion, because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it – Maya Angelou.

I can’t recall when was the last time I actually slept for 6 hours or so. The max was 3 hours. For months. It was grueling. And was about to be even more nightmarish :) The flight from Orlando to Amsterdam, though pleasant, I could not sleep a wink!

Clear blue sky!

Clear blue sky!

Gazing into Netherlands

Gazing into Netherlands

Arrived at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport on 17th Feb 2009, at 11:30am. It’s freaking chilly! As I make my way towards the baggage carousel, I realized that I did not know which carousel would have my luggage. So, the panicky girl I am – I panicked! Calm down Kiran, there is nothing to worry about. So what if these people spoke more Dutch than English? I approached an officer on duty, and with a sigh of relief, he explained to me where I would get my carousel information. In English! Yay! Hail O’ Netherlanders!

I claimed my luggage and walk towards customs and security, with a breeze. It was a “touch and go” security. At God’s speed. Har*, Jessy* & Tas** was constantly on sms with me, awaiting for my arrival. Very sweet of them 🙂 Meeting them – with teary eyes, laughter & smiles – after a very long time. Bitter sweet reunion. Thank god Jessy brought a jacket and scarf for me. It’s freakishly cold! What’s wrong with the EU weather? It was chilly, dark and gloomy.

Jessy & Tass apartment :)

Jessy & Tas's apartment 🙂

We headed towards Jessy & Tas’s apartment, where I was greeted with warmth from the heater and amazing scent of home made food. Pure bliss. We ate, laughed, shared stories and exchanged gifts for one another. Though extremely exhausted – not sleepy – the feeling of content, being surrounded by family are beyond words.

18th February 2009 – We decided to stay put at home due to my lack of sleep, exhaustion and jet lag. The next day was my next direct flight, and this time, the destination would be Malaysia – Truly Asia. I barely slept at all :) Perhaps due to excitement?

Part 3 coming up, stay tuned!

Click here to read my previous Travelogue’s.

* my sister’s

** my brother in-law

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