summer desserts

Thumbnail image for Peach Tart

Peach Tart

August 21, 2012 Baking

I‘m a “toss-in-this-and-that” kinda girl. The idea of following a recipe to a tee is mind boggling and boring. That is why I have so little patience in baking. Since it requires precise measurements to work, this is one area I usually find myself snoozing due to boredom. Yeah. I am that kinda girl that […]

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Thumbnail image for Grilled Summer Fruit Salad w/ Balsamic Reduction

Grilled Summer Fruit Salad w/ Balsamic Reduction

August 14, 2012 Desserts

The biggest takeaway from living abroad is — food. At least, to me. I’d love to think food connects people and culture. And I did that as soon as we made US our home away from home. Take it from me — food does bridges gaps.

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Thumbnail image for Forelle Pear Crisp

Forelle Pear Crisp

August 7, 2012 Baking

It seems just like yesterday when I faintly recall the very first time my mom allowed me to help in the kitchen. My first task was to play with cookie cutters. Playing with cookie cutters? Yup. I was so persistent in helping my mom baking at the age of 6. But my mom had something […]

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Thumbnail image for Cantaloupe in Coconut Rose Cream

Cantaloupe in Coconut Rose Cream

July 31, 2012 Desserts

Happy Tuesday!! How is it July, 31st already it’s beyond my ability to comprehend. I’m just not ready to bid farewell to juicy tomatoes, succulent berries, crisp melons and so much more summer delights. I’m guessing there’s a way to stop time. Only wish I knew how.

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Thumbnail image for Rainier Cherry Tart

Rainier Cherry Tart

July 19, 2012 Baking

Cherries are pretty much on every menu in my home this week. I discovered a new farmer’s market in my neighborhood and went on a shopping spree. That includes discovering these gems. A loot of 2 pounds worth of cherries has to be put to use. In a tart.

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