
Thumbnail image for Meetup at Anthony’s

Meetup at Anthony’s

May 12, 2011 Orlando

Confession: I am not so much of a pizza/cheese person. Overly cheesy and saucy pizza breaks the deal for me in a blink of an eye. I know, I am weird. That is why the flexibility of baking a pizza (with help of store-bought pizza dough) to suit our taste-buds is one way for us […]

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Thumbnail image for Chicken meatballs with broccoli

Chicken meatballs with broccoli

October 8, 2010 Chicken

I‘ve never had meatballs before. Probably because it’s generally made with the combination of pork & beef. Being a lean meat eater, I try to switch up recipes to accommodate our taste buds. In this instance, my creation of chicken meatballs with broccoli. And the twist? It’s made with Oriental flavors. I am so into […]

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