cacao nibs

Thumbnail image for Cocoa Protein Bowl

Cocoa Protein Bowl

May 5, 2015 Breakfast/Brunch

You know what annoys me? The fact that its Tuesday and all I want to do is cancel all my appointments for the day and curl up longer in bed. Having a wishful thought for a helper that would magically appear and makes the best cup of tea, prepare breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between. […]

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Thumbnail image for Cacao Smoothie

Cacao Smoothie

June 6, 2014 Breakfast/Brunch

Lets talk about how we communicate. The days before technology were normal enjoyable days. People actually took time to do every minute things such as corresponding via letters. And now, the postman only brings junk mails. I want my pre-technology or pre-social media days back.

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Thumbnail image for Coconut Zucchini Cacao Nib Cookies

Coconut Zucchini Cacao Nib Cookies

September 27, 2013 Baking

Do you recall the frequently asked questions during childhood, such as “what would you be when you grow up?”… and of course many more. But let’s keep that for future debates. At one point, I wanted to be a teacher. And then lawyer seemed like the best fit. But that didn’t held the number 1 […]

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