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A’Famosa Resort

After a wonderful night out to celebrate new year, we all woke up very bright and not-so early to enjoy our vacation. Let the fun begin 🙂 A mini-shuttle ride was so refreshing. We sung, danced and clicked photos all day long. I miss everyone.

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I’ve been so busy lately that I forgot to mention the main reason for my trip back home recently.  My sister (J) was pregnant then 😀 Yes, she was expecting and now a mother of sweet and adorable baby boy!

Preggie J & I 😉

As siblings, we are very close with each other. My sister makes an effort to visit my parents yearly.  I on the other hand, expect them to visit Orlando as well. Unfortunately, I am located the furthest amongst my siblings. Remorseful 🙁

Anyways, upon arriving few days in advance, I made some arrangements to gather close relatives for our New Year celebration and reunion at A’Famosa Malacca Resort. My sister, her big belly and dear husband (T) finally arrives in Malaysia!

A’Famosa Malacca Resort is about 2 hours away from home. We packed our luggage and begun the journey of enjoyment and relaxation. My sister booked two side-by-side bungalow’s for us and the family. We arrived and were unsatisfied with the condition of one of the bungalows. Apart from leaky air-conditioner at the living room, the backyard swimming pool was not in a pleasant condition. We were unable to move to another bungalow as there weren’t any vacancy. My sister and her belly were comfortable, so we did not fuss about it too long.

J and T bought so many decadent pastries and chocolates from Amsterdam. It amazes me how they went through Customs without any problem 😀 One whole suitcase was literally packed with cakes, cookies, chocolates, jams and pastries. Of course, we took no time and stuffed ourselves with sugary delights. Then darkness befallen on us 😀 It sounds very much like a story book right? We started getting ready to celebrate 2010!!! Yuhuuu! Let’s party! Aboard the bus ride, we rode to the fireworks venue. It was so crowded. But wasn’t enough to deter us from having fun. Hope your 2010 is rocking as per your resolution 🙂

Part 3 coming up, stay tuned!

Click here to read my previous Travelogue’s.

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